Tables Turned
By: Pi-Zero

Jason stepped out of the showers after a hard lacrosse practice. He sighed, he was exhausted, but he had to go back to his room and do a lab write up. Damn, and Josh would probably come back drunk. Dude, it would be nice to go get drunk, get some ass, have fun. Damned classes. He stopped for a moment when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His work was paying off. His almost six foot form rippled with well formed, but still flexible and quick muscle, from his tight calves to his ribbed abs. His hair was cut short, more out of convenience than anything else, though it did look pretty good with his strong jawline.

Suddenly he caught a hint of movement out of the corner of his vision. He turned, half expecting to see Skip come running back, having forgotten his books or keys or something. That kid was always leaving pieces of himself around. But it wasn't.

"Who're... wait... you're that guy that hangs around our practices and stuff. And I see you a lot in the halls... What do you want, you wierdo?"

The kid - who was naked - grinned, kinda creepy, "My name is Mark. You think you're so cool, don't you... Jason. So hot, everybody wants you. Well now you're going to be mine."

Jason arched an eyebrow, "Oh? Look, I suppose you're probably passably decent looking... but I've got a girlfriend and dude... stalking is creepy. Now come on, get out of here, and I'll forget this and not report you to security."

Mark smiled again. He strode forward and gripped Jason's shoulders, "You don't understand, you stupid jock. I don't want sex, and I'm not asking. I'm going to make you MINE,jockboy. I'm going to eat you." Before Jason had a chance to laugh in the kid's face, Mark yawned. His jaw seemed to flow like rubber and his mouth kept opening, easily large enough to encompass Jason's head.

That was hardly what Jason had been expecting, but he wasn't about to stand around while Mark tried to eat him, however impossible that should be. He dropped to a crouch and wrapped his arms around Mark's knees before heaving upwards again. Mark flew off his feet and onto his back. Jason pulled back ready to kick him if he came after him again.

But something was strange. Where Jason had grabbed Mark's knees, they were... deformed, almost... squeezed. Jason paused, what if whatever had done this to Mark had affected more than just his face? Turned him entirely rubbery? He grabbed Mark's feet before he could squirm away and squeezed as hard as he could. Sure enough, Mark's flesh slowly deformed as if made from silly putty.

Mark was stammering, "But, but, she promised! The witch promised I would be able to swallow a man!"

Jason rolled his eyes, "Maybe if he stood still, but being rubbery doesn't make you strong. Maybe if you thought about your body instead of imagined revenge..." He looked at Mark's smushed feet in his hands... Damn, the fucker deserved something in return, he'd really like to fuck the kid up, but how do you hurt a rubber man?

He wondered, what if he carried out Mark's plan, in reverse? Instead of Mark squeezing himself around Jason, could Jason squeeze Mark into himself? It was no more than he deserved for trying to eat Jason in the first place.

Jason brought Mark's feet to his mouth and pushed the deformed toes in. Eeew, this was like rush week when he had been forced to clean the senior house members' feet with his tongue. But it was bearable. He gripped Mark's calves and pulled hard, squeezing Mark's ankles into his mouth.

Mark began to writhe and cry, "No, please! Don't! I.. I'll do anything! I didn't mean anything by it, NO!"

Jason rolled his eyes, didn't mean anything by it? Mark had planned to EAT him! Grip, pull, gulp, his lips wrapped around the top of Mark's calves. Mash, pull, swallow, he hadmuch of Mark's thighs inside him (though Mark looked rather odd having his thighs squished small enough to fit into Jason's mouth).

He could feel Mark's feet kicking in his stomach. It was like a tickling sort of massage from inside. It was turning him on. Mark's butt took some serious squeezing, but it too succombed to Jason's insistant gulping. Now that he noticed, Mark's butt kinda tasted interesting, sort of musky.

Jason was now bent over Mark who was balanced on his shoulders, still madly trying to squirm away. This position sucked. Jason gripped Mark's sides and hoisted Mark into the air above his head. Gravity now helped with the squeezing process and Mark began to slip in faster.

Jason crammed Mark's torso into his mouth, feeling more and more of Mark's body wriggling in his rapidly filling stomach. He grabbed Mark's arms and shoved them roughly in beside the rest of his meal. With a mighty gulp Mark's shoulders were stuffed inside the hungry jock's body.

Mark was crying, "Please! I'll do anything! I'll do your homework, your laundry, suck your dick, anything!"

Jason ignored him. He put both his hands on the top of Mark's head and pulled, swallowing rhythmically. Slowly Mark's head folowed the rest of him into Jason's mouth. Finally, Jason could close his aching jaw. He swallowed twice and felt the last of Mark slip down into his stomach.

He looked down, his stomach was bulging as if he had just had the biggest meal man had ever invented... well... that wasn't surprising he supposed. Mark was thrashing around wildly down there and Jason could definately feel it. It was turning him on.

He gripped his hardening dick and pumped himself quickly to climax. He came, all his muscles tightening, his abs squeezing poor Mark in his stomach. As his orgasm receded, so did the squirming in his stomach. He belched, whatever air had been left in Mark before the end.

Jason shook himself and looked around. "Now THAT was wierd." Still shaking his head, he grabbed his stuff, pulled on some clothes and headed home.

That night Jason's dreams were filled with men and large meals and men as large meal. He woke in the morning and looked down at his stomach. It was flat... a dream? He yawned. His jaw didn't quite stop, it kept yawning, wider and wider. It didn't flow like Mark's had ("More muscle tone." thought Jason) but it went FAR beyond where it should have. Interesting... his stomach growled... even more interesting...

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